After searching the internet for a month I have curated some of the best and inspirational Motorcycle Quotes and Sayings which you should definitely read and use it for Instagram Story, Captions or as a mobile wallpaper.
So here are Best 50 motorcycle quotes for you! 23rd is my favv
Feel free to use these motorcycle quotes on your Instagram, Mobile Wallpaper or anywhere you want!
1. A bike on the road is worth two in the shed!

2. A Good Long Ride Can Clear Your Mind, Restore Your Faith and Use Up a Lot of Fuel

3. A Long Ride is the Answer to a Question You Will Soon Forget!

4. A motorcycle is like a drug but it doesn’t clog your arteries, impair your brain function, or send you to a rehabilitation centre. Plus, it’s completely legal – If you have a licence

5. A woman who rides a motorcycle is in tune with the universe, a candidate for high adventure.

6. Although motorcycle riding is romantic, motorcycle maintenance is purely classic! – Robert M Pirsig

7. Animals travel on all fours. Mankind on two. Motorcycling is not a means of transport but an ideology, a nomadic way of life. – Amit Reddy

8. Bikes don’t leak oil, they mark their territory!

9. Don’t fear dying. Fear not living. Let’s ride!

10. God didn’t create metal so that man could make paper clips!

11. Happiness is a Motorcycle, a Full Tank of Gas and Twisty Roads!

12. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

13. I Can Speak To My Soul Only When The Two Of Us Are Off Exploring Deserts Or Cities Or Mountains Or Roads! – Paulo Coelho

14. I don’t really feel like going for a ride today. Said no motorcycle rider ever!

15. I Don’t Ride a Motorcycle to Add Days to My Life. I Ride to Add Life to My Days!

16. I don’t want a pickle, I just want ride on my motorcycle. I don’t want to die, I just want a ride on my motorcycle. – Arlo Guthry

17. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol!

18. If I could marry my motorcycle, I’d roll her right up to the altar! – Flip Wilson

19. If you can still hear your fears, drop a gear!

20. If you want to be happy for a day, drink. If you want to be happy for a year, marry. If you want to be happy for a lifetime, ride a motorcycle!

21. In the moment, right or wrong, always have your brother’s back!

22. It’s not about what you ride, but how you ride it!

23. It’s Ride O’Clock Somewhere

24. Life is Not About Waiting for the Storms to Pass. It’s About Learning to Ride in the Rain.

25. Motorcycle adventures are the perfect antidote to middle age! – Alex Morritt

26. All girls like guys who are tough. Obviously, riding a motorcycle – I don’t want to say that there’s a bad boy quality – but there’s definitely a tough and macho thing about a guy who rides a motorcycles and that element of danger. That’s really sexy.
― Marisa Miller

27. On a Motorcycle, You Can’t Really Think About More Than Where You Are…

28. No Road is Too Long if You Have Good Company!

29. No plans. No maps. No GPS. No rules. Just ride

30. No Matter How Bad Your Day is Your Bike Will Make You Feel Better!

31. My prince charming doesn’t ride a horse… he rides wheelies!

32. Motorcycling is not, of itself, dangerous. It’s however, extremely unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence, or stupidity!

33. Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window!

34. Only Those Who Risk Going Too Far Can Possibly Find Out How Far They Can Go! – T.s Eliot

35. People are like Motorcycles – each is customized a bit differently!

36. Race the Rain. Ride the Win. Chase Sunset, Only a Biker Understands!

37. Riding is bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside!

38. Some See a therapist. I ride.

39. Sometimes it Takes a Whole Tank of Fuel Before You Can Think Straight!

40. Sometimes, You Find Yourself in the Middle of Nowhere; And Sometimes, in the Middle of Nowhere, You Find Yourself!

41. That’s all the motorcycle is, a system of concepts worked out in steel!

42. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror.

43. The only thing better than a a woman riding one.

44. The perfect man. A poet on a motorcycle!

45. They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own.

46. We Only Regret the Rides We Didn’t Take!

47. When I’m riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive. When I stop riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive!

48. When Life Throws You a Curve…Lean Into It, Pick Your Line and Keep Your Weight on the Outside Peg.

49. You Do Not Need a Therapist if You Own a Motorcycle, Any Kind of Motorcycle!

50. Young Riders Pick a Destination and Go. Old Riders Pick a Direction and Go

I hope You liked our collection of best motorcycle quotes and saying!
If you want to add any quotes in this list then please let us know in the comments section below.
You can read more about bikes on our blog!
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