During this pandemic, we have no other option but to sit at home and wait for the moment when we will take our bike for a spin. But before going on, do know how to maintain your bike during lock-down?
If not, don’t worry because I am here to tell you the 10 ways to maintain your bike during COVID-19 lockdown.
Maintainance of a bike is part of a biker’s life, as it is about how you treat your motorcycle.
But during this lock-down, you might be confused regarding maintenance factor since most of the places are completely shut-down or even because of safety measures you are avoiding to go anywhere. Your bike needs care at this time as well.
Let’s discuss 10 ways to maintain your bike during lock-down:
1. Park your Bike under shade during lockdown:

This is the most important and the basic tip to maintain your bike during Covid-19 Lockdown. Since the paint of your bike starts fading away, and no one wants one’s bike to lose the charm by the faded paint.
Moreover, it can damage the seat cover besides making the plastic panels brittle.
If the bike is kept in sunlight for prolonged periods then the fuel might also get evaporated.
So, make sure you don’t park your bike under sunlight for too long, rather keep it under shade whenever possible.
2. Sanitise and disinfect your Bike properly:

If you went outside on your bike then it is very important that you should clean your bike Especially during COVID-19 Pandemic.
Washing your bike at home using hands and a soft piece of cloth is always advisable over the use of hosepipe for washing. It is because the bike has some of the fragile components which might get disturbed from the pressure of water through a hosepipe.
You can use your hands for that purpose and eventually you can protect those fragile components as well.
To wash your bike using your hands, get a soft piece of cloth, 2 buckets filled with water(1 with shampoo and 1 with just clean water).
Now, start wiping your bike with the cloth dipped in the shampoo solution. Wipe your entire bike with that, then wash away everything by clean water. You are done washing your bike. You will save a lot of water and money 😉
Washing your bike properly is very important for your motorcycle maintenance during COVID-19 lockdown, which can help you save money. You can even do this post-lock-down and every time instead of going to the bike wash centres.
3. Start your bike once every 3-4 days during Lockdown:

Maintaining your engine is the most complex part of your bike maintenance, that too when you are not riding for a long time.
You won’t be able to find out any issues with the engine or even the battery if you don’t start your bike during this lock-down period.
If your bike has a kick-start, use it to start your bike, else go with the power start which is available in most of the bikes these days. Power start won’t be a problem in the bikes with Fuel-Injection but in the case of Carburettor, prefer cold start using kick-start.
It is because, in Fuel-Injection, the fuel system works automatically according to the requirement and the atmosphere whereas in the case of a carburettor you have to set it manually which can cause slight issues when your bike is not in use for some time.
4. Check Engine Oil level:

Inspect the engine oil level of your bike. It is very important to further maintain the engine. Since the engine oil levels can define the health of your bike, low levels might harm the engine and its components if you don’t refill it(or replace it) in time.
The reason being the lubrication property of engine oil. Maintaining a proper level of engine oil will lubricate all the components inside the engine for their smooth movement with less friction which can inadvertently make your bike smooth and less vulnerable to heating issues.
Having low engine oil levels will increase the stress on the engine by increasing the friction. Heating issues will be serious and if you use your bike without maintaining proper levels of engine oil, wear and tear of the components could take place.
So, make sure you maintain a good level of engine oil.
5. Check the Brake Fluid:

Maintaining brakes is equally important when we talk about the overall maintenance of our bike. Check the level of fluid, make sure it is within around half an inch to the cap.
If the fluid level is not sufficient, add proper brake fluid to it. It must not be less, keep it up to the required mark forever.
This is the step which many people ignore or totally forget but you have to keep in mind that it is very important to check and maintain the proper Brake fluid for the your motorcycle maintenance.
6. Check the Coolant Level:

If your bike requires coolant to maintain the engine’s temperature in control, you must maintain a balanced level. You can’t take the risk of keeping it low, as it can prove to be unhealthy for the engine and hence might make things worse.
7. Check the Brake Pads:

Again something related to your brakes, check the brake pads for any issues like Squeaking or Squealing noise, vibrating pedal, worn brake pads (less thick than the usual size) among naming a few.
Maintaining brake pads is also an essential part of maintaining your bike.
8. Tyre Air pressure:

Make sure the tyres are inflated withing the proper PSI recommended. Having low-pressure can damage the tyre by creating linings which can decrease the life of the tyre and makes it even less usable.
Maintain the PSI mark and your tyre will have a long life.
9. Avoid Flat-Spots on the tyre:

Make a habit of moving your bike forward and backwards for a few feet to avoid flat spots on the tyre which can be caused by being on the same place without movement and proper air pressure. Flat spots can damage the tyre and hence decrease the life of the tyre.
10. Lubricate and Clean the chain:

Even when not in use, do clean the chain of your bike regularly followed by lubricating it with proper lubricants can help maintain the health of the chain and the health of the bike.
Final Words!
These are the 10 Ways by which you can maintain your bike during lock-down by being self-reliant.
Also, make sure that if you are going outside of your home during this Pandemic don’t forget to wear Gloves and Face mask in order to protect yourself.
If you are coming to home form outside make sure you Disinfect and Sanitize your Bike as well.
Some parts of the bike like Seat, bike panel, Handel and motorcycle mirror should be Sanitized and Disinfected in order to keep it clean!
If you have any queries, you are most welcome. We at Bike Squadron will be there to guide you through all the doubts you have in your mind regarding anything related to Bikes.
I hope you will take care of yourself and your family along with your bike!
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